Offbrand Library is an online bookstore based out of Toronto.  They offer a selective assortment of fashion, art, and design publications. Offbrand library believes in documenting and sharing unseen scans from archival books for people to use as inspiration and reference in their respective practises

Spencer: Let's start with an introduction of who you are and what you do.

Taylor: My name's Taylor. I run Offbrand Library, a Toronto-based bookstore. We serve as a resource and a reference point for people to explore older print materials, archived books, and things that aren't as accessible, aiming to expand people's inspiration and connect the community a little more.

Spencer: I'm curious where your inspiration comes from. What would you say inspires you to collect?

Taylor: I think it started with fashion. That was the gateway. I got into clothes, like every kid into streetwear, and then transitioned from Supreme into Raf Simons and designer brands. But it went beyond the clothes. It was about exploring the entire lifestyle and ecosystem of designers. The Raf Simons Teenage Summer Camp was one of the first collectible pieces of brand ephemera I found. It was so cool. From there, I started digging for more lookbooks, catalogues, and fashion prints that weren't available online. I wanted to collect these unique items and share them, as it felt selfish to hoard them. So, I began sharing these rare books digitally and at events.

Spencer: We're in a digital world, with a lot of energy on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Do you think print is dead?

Taylor: I don't think print is dead. It's just evolved. There was a time when print was everywhere, then everything went digital. Now, as we're constantly online, there's a resurgence in print. It's like a game of ping pong, ebbing and flowing. Brands and photographers are getting back into print because it offers a different experience than digital. Holding a book and feeling the emotion from a campaign in print is different from seeing it online.

Spencer: How important do you think world-building is for a brand?

Taylor: World-building is essential. Offbrand Library is still in its infancy but building a world around it is crucial. Not everyone relates to certain books or paper types, so it's about expanding beyond e-commerce and social media. Doing events, connecting with different artists, and offering more than just books helps build a unique world. It’s about providing something additional that gives fresh air to print and books.


Spencer: In your opinion, what makes a good print or a good book?

Taylor: Attention to detail is key. Personalization within a book, like the weight, cover type, finish, and format, makes a difference. Unique presentations, bindings, and ways to tell a story beyond the content itself make a book special. A good book should communicate your brand's ethos even without the content.

Spencer: Where are you from? Were you born and raised in Toronto?

Taylor: I was born and raised in Mississauga, so not quite Toronto. I’m third generation. My dad was born in Hong Kong and moved here as a child. My mom is Chinese-Caribbean, born in Trinidad, and moved here as a child.

Spencer: Have you visited those countries?

Taylor: I haven't been to Trinidad, but I've been to Hong Kong. It's cool to see the cultural differences and influences between Asia and here, especially in fashion and books.

Spencer: What’s your favorite city?

Taylor: New York, for sure. The culture, music, fashion, food, and art resonate with me. I've been fortunate to do events during New York Fashion Week, which gave the brand a lot of energy. The opportunities, talent pool, and cultural richness there are unmatched in North America.

Spencer: Do you have any gems in New York?

Taylor: The WSA venue. I did an event there, and it's a cool space with various events, restaurants, and lounges. If something like that could be replicated in Toronto, it would be amazing. 

Spencer: What are you listening to these days?

Taylor: Mostly electronic music, like Nicolas Jaar and Aphex Twin. It's been lighter for the summer and good for productivity while working on the Paris showroom.


Spencer: How do you find escapism from your work?

Taylor: Offbrand is my escapism. It’s not my full-time job; I have a corporate nine-to-five. Offbrand allows me to meet great people, visit new cities, and have cool experiences. When overwhelmed, I find balance through family, friends, bouldering, and tennis.

Spencer: I love that. Thank you for the insightful interview.

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